4 Tips for Dating with Herpes

1. Once your doctor confirms that you are infected herpes, try to tell your sexual partners that you get the virus as soon as possible and recommend that they get a
test too. Symptoms of the first outbreaks usually appear within half month of infection, but may be mild or hard to be noticed.

genital herpes photo
2. When you are having a very severe and wild outbreaks of herpes sores, you’d better go to hospital for intravenous medication and professional topical treatment of
your blisters.

3. People infected with herpes can pass the virus to other negative people even there is no any symptoms. It is very important to use synthetic protections(latex condoms, dental dams) during all sexual activities including oral, genital, or anal sex. It can helps both your partners from getting your virus and yourself from skin damage that might result in an outbreak. Be sure not to have sex during an outbreak.
4. Managing your outbreaks with right treatments will not only help you heal sores sooner, but also reduce chances of your outbreaks and passing the virus to your